Our filming and streaming policies are designed to enhance our guests’ experience as they play slot machines while minimizing disruption to our guests and the normal operation of our casino. We’re thrilled to see the excitement of our players as they enjoy our gaming options and strive to be a social media-friendly environment. However, we are mindful of the privacy and safety of all our guests, and our policies reflect that balance.

Guests playing at slots on the casino floor may take photos provided it is of their own personal use and taken by a personal device. Personal Use means that content is obtained for personal reasons and is NOT intended for commercial use. Personal Use Guests may only film the slot machine on which they are playing and should frame the photography in a way to exclude all other guest from the shot.

Social Media Influencers and Brands are NOT allowed to capture photos or record video at Graton Resort & Casino. This group includes vloggers, streamers, YouTubers, and other online influencers who record for distribution or other commercial use.

Photography, filming, and streaming is NOT permitted when playing poker or table games.